
I swear sometimes. But I'm not sorry.


Day 76 (Slolth)

I had this idea awhile ago, but I refused to have three "lol"s nearly in a row. So, here it is now.
some QQs (quick questions)

How can something so happy looking (note the eternal smile) be so blue?

How can something be so cute?

Three toes!?! Muthafuckin THREE TOES?!! Awesome.


Brendon Etter February 1, 2009 at 12:31 PM  

Commentalization is back, but your site looks very, very different on my Mac at home - like a standards Blogger template. On my PC, it looks like a website with different frames and such... I do not understand?

And, fuck you, Sam!

Mad3lyn February 9, 2009 at 1:08 PM  

I LIKE THIS very good, marie